We covered several topics this month.
  • MPTC: Deb Shangraw and Steve Rand have the lead with this District Grant project. They will coordinate volunteers for our assigned night, normally the second Friday of each month. Upcoming dates are November 13, December 11 and January 11.The Falmouth Club has the fourth Friday, but we may need to help out now and then.If you are interested, please contact Deb or Steve.
  • Christmas Trees: The city has confirmed that power issues will be addressed and we’ll be back at our usual spot this year in the parking lot. Steve will contact G&S, the folks who supplied our trees last year to place our order.
  • Charitable Giving Committee: Jason Beever has agreed to head up a committee to recommend a list of donations for the 2015-16 year.He has the list of folks who volunteered to help and will be setting up a meeting in the near future to discuss.
  • Publicity: Paul Emery has been doing a great job with publicity.We have had a short story in most of the last several issues of the American Journal.In fact, we had some additional golfers inquire and join our tournament as a result of the publicity.Great job Paul!
  • Literacy Project:We have received a large number of book donations over the past few months. Most have been cleaned and sorted, and Rotary sticker attached.Some additional books need processing and Julie Hamm will organize a session to take care of them and reach out for volunteers.If you would like to help, please contact Julie.The last item we need prior to placing the boxes is signage.Christine Johnson is working on that.
  • 90th Anniversary Celebration: Our Club turns 90 on March 8, 2016.  We are looking for volunteers to work on this committee and propose a plan to recognize this milestone. Previously, we had agreed to hold any event in the spring, after our snow birds return to the nest.  Dave Rolfe has material from the 75th  that could be used to generate ideas.  If you would like to be involved in planning, please contact Christine Johnson.