Composer – Carroll M. Richardson 1926
Sung to the tune – “It’s Nice to Get Up in the Morning”
Oh, we’re especially glad to be with you,
As members of Rot-a-ry,
We’ve got the finest little club
That ever you did see.
We gather every Tuesday,
The Tavern’s were we eat,
And a visiting Rotary member
We are always glad to meet.
We believe the Rotary spirit
Is an asset to any man,
To mingle with your neighbor
And to grasp him by the hand,
Indulge in song and story,
And get the other man’s views,
With a programme to entertain you,
And drive away the blues.
So, Old Westbrook has come into Rotary,
With a Rotary spirit true,
With “Harry Boy” to lead us,
You can bet we’ll put it through,
We’re all enthusiastic
To try and make Rotary feel,
That the Westbrook Club is a credit,
To be in the Rotary Wheel.
Note the mention in this song of the Westbrook Tavern Hotel, our original meeting place, and Harry FG Hay, our first president. Carroll Richardson was the Westbrook Postmaster.