CITE accreditation - What is the NEASC?
Mar 03, 2020 11:30 AM
Kathy Fink - NEASC Chair
CITE accreditation - What is the NEASC?
This will also be our Read Across American luncheon with items inspired by children's books: The Giving Tree, Where the Wild Things Are, James & the Giant Peach, Jack & the Beanstock, Where is the Amazing Delicious Incredible Avocado?, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
WRVC will be undergoing NEASC accreditation review from March 2 - March 5, 2020. During that time, the NEASC visiting committee will interview a variety of constituents associated with WRVC, including teachers, administrators, students, parents, business and community members. On March 3, the NEASC visiting team (10 members) will join the Rotarians for lunch. We hope that this will provide an opportunity for the NEASC committee to have some informal discussions with business and community members about WRVC and the community of Westbrook.