Russell Hampton
ClubRunner Mobile
Jul 13, 2021 11:30 AM
Community Building
Jul 20, 2021 11:30 AM
Classification Talk
Aug 03, 2021 11:30 AM
Club Assembly
Aug 24, 2021 11:30 AM
Sep 14, 2021
See you at the Golf Tournament!
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Upcoming Events
Board Meeting
Jul 13, 2021
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Board Meeting
Aug 10, 2021
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
27th Annual Rotary Classic Golf Tournament
Gorham Country Club
Sep 17, 2021
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
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Next Board Meeting
July 13, 2021 10:15AM
via Zoom (at our regular meeting link)
All members are welcome at Board Meetings
Past Board Meeting Minutes available at:

Birthdays & Anniversaries June/July 2021
       Judith Reidman 6/21
       Michael Fandell 6/26
       Phil Spiller 6/27
       Sarah Boone 7/26
       Scott & Robin Linscott 6/2 – 37 yrs
    Rotary Anniversaries
       Cliff Plummer 6/1/ - 28 yrs
       Arian Bailey 6/5 – 3 yrs
       Ethan Johnson 6/7 – 5 yrs
       Woody Beach 6/30 – 20 yrs
Happy Independence Day July 4 - 245 years!!

Prospective Member - Katrina Desjardins
Katrina Dejardins, VP/Branch Manager at Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution, recently submitted her application for membership. Karen was born and raised in Saco, graduating from Thornton Academy.  She attended SMCC to study Business Administration and started with SBSI in 2005 as a Teller. She has risen through the ranks, holding various positions along the way.  In 2019, she took over management of the Westbrook branch.          
She lives in Old Orchard Beach where she shares a black lab puppy with her boyfriend and his twin daughters.  She enjoys skiing, hiking, playing soccer and travel in both the US and other countries.  She is passionate about building relationships in the community.
Welcome Rotary Year 2021-2022
On Thursday evening July 1, 2021, several club members and friends met at 33 Elmwood in Westbrook to celebrate the end of the old Rotary year and to welcome in the new year. With the weather threatening, we moved inside to a beautiful large space between the bar and the bocce court.  Fortunately, no one was playing bocce that night! 
New Member Inducted
During our changeover event on July 1, 2021, Past President Kathi Perkins (L) inducted new member Karen Arnold (R). Karen recently retired from a long career in engineering consulting, most recently as VP Global Environmental Health & Safety for Arcadis-US, Inc. Originally from Michigan, she and her husband have lived in Gorham for 32 years. 
Welcome Karen!  We look forward to putting you to work!!
27th Annual Rotary Golf Classic
Planning is underway for our 27th Annual Rotary Classic Golf Tournament to be held on Friday September 17, 2021 at Gorham Country Club. The golf committee is working hard behind the scenes, but we need your help to make this signature event a success! 
Overview of Upcoming Meetings
  • This week on July 13, we will continue on Zoom using our usual meeting link.  If you don’t have it saved in your email or on your calendar, please contact Christine Johnson at
  • Next week, on July 20, we will start meeting regularly in person at Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St in the Elm Room (enter through side door marked Pool/Gym Entrance).  For those who prefer not to join us in person quite yet, we will have a “hybrid” meeting option using our usual meeting Zoom link.  We have secured equipment and will be conducting final testing this week in preparation for our July 20th meeting.  We will continue meeting at the WCC going forward until we can return to the school.
Current & Upcoming Opportunities
The Locker Project - We continue to volunteer at the now twice-a-week food events in Westbrook sponsored by the Locker Project. These community events have been ongoing at least once a week, with limited interruption, since July of 2020.   They are expected to continue at least through August 30. If you would like to help out on any Monday 1:30-3PM or Thursday 2:30-4PM, please let Christine Johnson know (  You do not need to commit both days or even to every week.  Even if you can only help out once or twice this summer, it would be appreciated.
Summer Events Mini-Food Drive – While TLP is able to provide a good supply of fresh produce, bread and frozen meat, they are currently not able to provide some popular staples or kid-friendly snacks. If you’d like to help, popular items are: peanut butter, jelly, cereal, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna; and single-serve snacks like granola bars, Cheese-its, cereal bars, apple sauce cups, and the like.  Donations by cash, check or Venmo to purchase these items is also appreciated. Contact Christine if you would like to help.
VacSeen Bracelets for Polio – For a minimum donation of $5 to Polio Plus through Westbrook-Gorham Rotary, you will receive a lovely blue wrist band (while supplies last).  The purchase of these wrist bands by a member benefited the WHO world-wide COVID-19 vaccination effort. Your donation to Polio Plus will help finally eradicate polio.  With only 2 wild polio virus caused cases identified through June, we have never been closer.  You can donate at this link VacSeen for Polio Plus or contact Christine for Venmo option. You can also donate at any in-person meeting.
Back to school supplies for Westbrook Community Policing Center – As we have done for the past couple of years, we will be holding a back-to-school drive to gather supplies for kids K-12 to be distributed through the Brown St WCPC.   We are currently looking for a Gorham organization that we may also be able to support with supplies.  As you see Back-to-School sales happening over the summer, we hope you will consider purchasing a few items like backpacks, single-subject notebooks, glue sticks, crayons, erasers, pencils, etc.  We will provide a link to a more comprehensive list in the near future. Engage your kids, grandkids, cousins, and neighbors.  Every little bit helps!
Donate Blood - If you are healthy and able, please consider donating blood. Supplies continue to remain tight so all donations are very welcome. To schedule an appointment go to  or call 1-800-RED-CROSS
River Clean-Up Project – Near the end of September, Clubs around District 7780 will be fanning out to clean up oceans, lakes, rivers and/or streams.  This provides a great opportunity to engage friends, family and the community in a Rotary project!  Watch for more info on Westbrook-Gorham Club’s plans to join in this effort.
Ongoing Opportunities
Children's Books for Pantries - We continue to collect books for our food pantries and other organizations that can get books into the hands of children. Since the need is always greater than the supply, we will distribute them now, when the opportunity arises, and will return to regular distribution when we can.  If you, a family member, friend or colleague have children or grandchildren who have outgrown their books, we'd love to have them to share with children who will love them.   All ages from babies to young teens. We can also always use large print books for older readers. Contact Christine Johnson for pick up. 
Can Tabs for Ronald McDonald House - Thank you for continuing to collect can tabs. It's and easy way to help a wonderful organization! Just keep a small plastic bag or small jar in your kitchen, on the counter or in a drawer.  As you go to toss your returnable can into your CLYNK bag, simply twist off the tab first. 
CLYNK for Literacy - Ongoing -  Don't forget to keep filling those bags to help fund the new children's books we ask our speakers to sign for the Baxter and Walker Libraries. Extra bags are always available at our meetings and Christine is willing to drop bags on your doorstep, if you prefer.  Thank you for your ongoing support of this fundraiser!
Donate to our Club's Charity through Amazon Smile – Ongoing - If you order items from, even if not very often, you can help Westbrook Gorham Rotary Club Charities.  Go to Search for our Charity and select it. You may need to login to your Amazon account before being able to finalize your selection.   Then, when you shop (always starting from a portion of every purchase will be donated to our charity.