Rotary District 7780 is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians and any other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of children, youth, and other vulnerable person with whom they may come into contact.
Sheriff Dubois conducted the mandatory training session for our members which included how to recognize abuse or harassment.; Allegation Reporting Guidelines; Protection of the complainant; Reporting to appropriate law enforcement authorities; and District Procedures in response to allegations.
All members not present at this meeting are encouraged to review the training materials since review of this topic is mandatory every three years.  Materials will be made available on our website shortly. It can also be shared via email, once available.
Also, anyone who expects to be in a one-on-one situation with someone in a protected class, should complete a Background Check form.  It is the policy of our District that the Club will pay the small feed involved should a member request to follow this process.  The form is available from our Club Protection Officer Dave Rolfe.  He will process the form through the District Protection officer.

Left: From left to right: David Rolfe – Club Protection Officer. Dr. Bruce Dyer of Westbrook High School Guidance – Rotaract Club Advisor, Sheriff David G. Dubois - Sheriff, Stratford County, New Hampshire – District 7780 – District Protection Officer.